Film info
Film summary
The different ways scientists have explained the structure of the atom, and how it has changed throughout history.
Key facts
- In 1804, Dalton proposed that the atom was a plain sphere, solid and whole.
- In 1898, Thomson suggested that the atom comprised a positive sphere with plum-shaped negative electron shells.
- In 1909, Rutherford correctly identified the dense, positive nucleus - and in 1913, Bohr modelled electron rings surrounding this.
- In the 1930s, Chadwick identified that the nucleus of the atom comprised both protons and nuetrons.
5th century BC
Greek philosophers proposed that matter was made up of tiny invisible particles called...
Atoms or in Greek "A-tomos"
Throughout history scientists have proposed models to help understand the structure of the atom
1804: Dalton's idea of the atom
A plain sphere – solid and whole
1898: ...
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