Film info
Film summary
A unique experiment investigates what happens to wolf cub's wild nature if they are raised in a domestic environment. Will nature or nurture win out?
Key facts
- Wolves and dogs are 99.8% genetically identical, but is it the genetic differences that affect their behaviour or environmental factors?
- A group of Hungarian researchers raised wolf cubs in a home environment to see if they could develop traits similar to a dog.
- Unlike dogs, wolf cubs did not respond to training or discipline.
- A nurturing, domestic environment had little impact on the wolves' development.
It is a fundamental question of our existence: is it nature or nurture that determines who we are?
Nature is defined as genetic inheritance.
Nature – genetic inheritance
Nurture being environmental factors such as upbringing, experience and learning.
Nurture – environmental factors
A group of researchers in Hungary set out to try to ...
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