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Film summary
Butler's Tourism Model can be applied to any tourist resort to show six key stages of development. Discover how Blackpool, in the UK, has progressed over the past few hundred years. And how it may be entering a new seventh phase.
Key facts
- Butler's Tourism Model describes the evolution of tourist resorts in 7 stages.
- Stage 1 is exploration, when the resort attracts small numbers of visitors. Stage 2 is involvement, when the resort provides amenities for its visitors.
- Stage 3 is development, when the landscape is transformed to attract visitors. In stage 4, consolidation, the resort reaches the height of its popularity.
- Stages 5 and 6 occur after decades of development, in which the resort undergoes stagnation, decline and eventually reaches stage 7, rejuvenation.
Blackpool, UK
Blackpool was once the pride of the British seasideut, like a sandcastle, its popularity in recent years has crumbled.
The town is in the final stages of its tourism life cycle.
In 1980, British Professor Richard Butler came up with a model to describe the evolution of tourist resorts.
Prof Richard Butler
Strathclyde ...
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